Tips For Creating A Professional Brand Identity In Your Small Business > 자유게시판

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Tips For Creating A Professional Brand Identity In Your Small Business

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작성자 Lois Winneke 작성일24-04-25 18:48 조회58회 댓글0건


First, you must define your business. It's important to provide details about your business, such as your name and the products or services you offer. The more information they have, the better their ability to create a logo for you. Without information about the business, it is virtually impossible for a graphic design to create a unique logo.

When I start thinking up a brand's design, I always start with the first letter. If you were creating Brooklyn's Finest Beer I would start with the letters F, B, and B again. It's not an old technique, but it's still quite original. Sometimes, just writing the name in beautiful fonts works well.

Slogans & Punch-lines: This is an important thing to remember. Ask yourself these questions: What do you want to include in your logo? Should it have a punch line or slogan? Should it just include your company's initials, brand name, or the whole name? These questions will help you to determine the potential logo design.

Name of the organization/product/service: This is the first thing to consider before getting ready to get a logo design for your business. It is important to know whether you require a logo specific for a product or a logo specific for a brand. This should not cause confusion as it could lead you to unhappy results. Remember, a logo carries the essence of your company and brand and you would not be changing your logo design time and again, doing so can hamper your brand's image badly. Do not rush.

Most people believe that a logo should reflect the company's purpose. This is false. You don't have to use plates and spoons just because your logo is for an eaterie. You'd be surprised at the similarities between some of the most popular logos and akun vip bangkok the company's personality if you took a look at the examples. For example, the Mercedes logo doesn't show a car, but is one of most popular logos.

To answer this question we must first understand why we need logos in the first place. From large and successful companies, we know that the most important part of designing your brand identity is your logo. It is also known simply as brand identity design. It should help to build and enhance your company image and communicate your company's values to the public. When someone looks at your logo, they will be able to understand what your company is all about and what your core values.

Professional designers can create a business logo that is both effective and appealing. Choose a designer who would work within your budget. Set a deadline and get references from previous work. Make sure you educate your designer about your business profile and don't allow him to assume your line.

Many logos are simple images. You don't need to use a logo to represent the products or services of a brand. The 3 stripes signify 'Adidas'. They don't need tennis balls to make the logo clear about their brand and products. The Mercedes Benz logo cannot be described as a car. Likewise, the McDonalds Golden Arches? are not hamburgers. In fact, trying to make a logo look like the product ends in disaster more often than not - it's difficult to scale a car down to a business card size, but the Mercedes logo is a breeze.


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