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Spa Planet: 11 Things That You're Failing To Do

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작성자 David 작성일24-05-03 00:49 조회15회 댓글0건


Planet Spa Offers a Variety of Facial and Body Treatments

Planet Spa offers many different treatments for your body and facials. The spa offers a variety of packages that include all of these services.

Relax with a soothing moisturizing body butter. It is light, non-greasy and absorbs quickly to leave your skin feeling smooth and silky. It has a delicious chocolate scent.


Our facials are a fantastic way to pamper your skin and get the look you've always wanted. From European to facials for acne Our treatments are ideal for pampering your face and assist you to achieve the look you've always wanted.

The soothing music, the warm water, and the expert service provide an experience that's an absolute escape from your everyday stress. We also offer a range of body treatments such as the hotworx sauna and zero gravity massage to increase your relaxation. Our services can benefit your health, spa planet the reduction of stress and the increase in circulation.

This mask is filled with Dead Sea mineral to boost the radiance of your skin. Part of the Planet Spa Tranquillity Ritual line This nourishing formula sucks up surface oil to minimize pores and leave your skin looking refreshed and healthy-looking.

This rich body butter will take you to the tranquil waters of the Mediterranean Sea. It's made with Shea Butter to nourish your skin and extracts from the chamomile plants for a soft and calming aroma. It is suitable for all skin types, this rich moisturizer has a pleasant scent and is absorbed quickly. Combine with an exfoliant for your body to give you the ultimate indulgence.

Body Treatments

planet spa hand cream spa offers a range of body treatments. They are designed to exfoliate and nourish the skin. You can also enjoy the hydrating back treatment, a self heating mud wrap, or a full body treatment for sunless tanning.

The products are made from pure shea butter. They are not subjected to extreme heating or hydrogenation processes, which may affect their nutritional value and potency. They can penetrate the skin, leaving it with glowing skin. They are also rich in vitamins A, E, and F. They guard the skin against environmental damage.

Get your senses energized by a stimulating body scrub and massage. The refreshing aroma of rosemary and peppermint will awaken your senses, while the exfoliation and body lotion will help improve circulation. A rejuvenating scalp massage and foot massage completes this island inspired experience.

This is a fantastic product to use for a pre-sunless tan. It has antioxidants that help protect your skin from damage caused by environmental factors and vitamin A, E, and F which helps to hydrate the skin. It also has a pleasant smell and is easily absorbed. After applying this, you can apply on some of the Planet Spa Planet Pampering Chocolate Body Whip ($12 for 200ml), which is lightweight moisturizer that's somewhat oily but absorbs well. It is part of the Energise collection and is a perfect match to this product.


Release tension, relax tight muscles, and soften damaged tissue with a thorough massage. Book an hour or two appointment.

Aroma oils can be used to relax your body during massage. Different scents can provide an uplifting or relaxing effect.

Explore the traditional holistic Bali massage technique. This full body massage is a highlight of the amazing experience. It does more than relax the body but also brings harmony to the soul.

Through a combination of massage and reflexology techniques This treatment will rejuvenate your whole body. The feet and hand are mirrors of the entire body, and have reflex points that correspond to each organ or gland. This is a great remedy for tired neck, feet and shoulders.

Spa Packages

Planet Spa offers a range of spa treatments that cater to various wellness needs. The Urban Wellness Suite spa package is a full-body treatment in the room that includes 50 Central Park bubble bath turndown along with plush Frette 400 thread count sheets as well as an nighttime application of La Prairie Skin Caviar Nighttime Oil to leave your skin soft and smooth.

The Perfectly Purifying Bundle contains a body scrub that cleanses and a body cream to moisturize your skin. This will restore its natural balance. It's the perfect gift for those who are self-care aficionados.

LOGO-6.jpgThe Harmony Ritual with Lingonberry & Pine Extract set pampers the skin while relaxing the mind. This kit contains a revitalizing Avon Planet Spa Bath Elixir that is infused with natural extracts of pine and lingonberry seeds. It creates an extremely dense, thick foam that is perfect for relaxing in the tub. It also comes with a body moisturizer that is packed with essential oils as well as Shea butter that is rich in nutrients to nourish your skin from head to toe. Planet Beach also offers a variety of membership plans that include spa, UV therapy and spray tanning services. The basic monthly plan starts at $54 a month.


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