What You Need To Do With This Avon Glimmersticks Eye Liner > 자유게시판

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2024-05-20 기준
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What You Need To Do With This Avon Glimmersticks Eye Liner

페이지 정보

작성자 Malcolm 작성일24-05-08 16:44 조회15회 댓글0건


Glimmersticks Eye Liner Review

Glimmersticks eyeliners made by Avon are long-lasting they are retractable and self-sharpening. They glide on smoothly and do not pull or tug at the eyelids.

These glimmersticks come in various shades and finishes. They retail for INR 326 currently. They are also easy to use and glimmerstick (please click the next page) have a twist-open mechanism. It's an excellent choice for people who are just beginning!

Product Description

Glimmersticks eyeliner is a popular favorite with a hint of twinkle. It is a revolutionary twist mechanism that allows for easy and precise application, and the most appealing aspect? It's long-wearing. It also provides the most smooth and easy glide-on color that won't pull or tug on your brows, eyes or lips.

Glimmersticks can be used to create the perfect line or simply as a daily accent for your eyes. It's available in many shades that include White Awake and Starry Night Blue, White Awake, Emerald, Blackened Green, Majestic Plum, and Saturn Grey. It is also the first to utilize Avon's TRUE COOR technology which ensures that you will have a consistent color all day.

Click here to shop for glimmersticks and the other products in Avon's True Color collection. The eyeliners are priced at $9 and are available in a range of colors which means you're bound to find the perfect one for you! Buy them now. Thank you for reading! Keep an eye out for exciting deals and giveaways. You can also sign up for our newsletter to be updated with the latest announcements!


Glimmersticks eyeliner has a long-wearing smooth glide-on formula that lasts for 10 hours. There are many shades available that include bright primary and pastels, frosty golds, whites and golds with glitter-flecked tints. The glimmers are created using Avon's TRUECOLOR technology, which means that you can be certain the color you purchase will be the exact same color you apply. It's also smudge-proof and waterproof. It is vegan, paraben and talc-free.

Avon-True-Glimmerstick-Gold-Indulgence-Eyeliner.jpgAvon Glimmersticks eye liner has been revamped with sleek black pencil/pen type packaging, and bolder, larger fonts than the previous Glimmersticks. The new glimmers have more of a creamy texture and glimmerstick are more comfortable than the originals. They don't pull or pull the eyelids , and are gentle to use on the eyes. They have a smoother and more comfortable glide-on that is essential for smooth application and smoother blending to create the perfect finish. They can also be retracted which is a great benefit for those who love makeup! They're also reasonably priced. They come in a variety of shades, and you'll be able to find one that fits your style and eye shape. Get them now! You'll be glad you did. Shop online! You can purchase glimmersticks glimmer eyeliner from Avon's website.


Glimmersticks eyeliner can be found in a variety of shades which means you can pick from vibrant shades or a more subtle look. These long-lasting liners that are popular with the crowd draw your eyes in a precise precision and intensified shimmery shades that stay put for up to 10 hours without fade or transfer. Avon's glimmersticks eye liner is available in a wide variety of colors, ranging from classic black to bold gold, so there's something for everyone! The formula glides on easily and is a creamy texture, which means it won't irritate your eyeslids or pull on them. Plus, glimmersticks are cruelty-free and vegan! This formula also features Avon's "TRUE COLOR technology," so the color you see is what you will receive. These pencils can be used to create any kind of liner, such as simple streaks or a sharp line. They also have the advantage of being easy to mix before drying. Because they're made with a tough, water-resistant formula, they can hold up to the most active lifestyles!


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