Shocking moment knife-wielding monkey waves blade around zoo enclosure > 자유게시판

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Shocking moment knife-wielding monkey waves blade around zoo enclosure

페이지 정보

작성자 Winifred 작성일24-01-29 17:09 조회126회 댓글0건


A knife-wielding monkey became the 'highlight of the day' for Dream-Manga - - visitors to a zoo as they filmed it toying with the giant blade.

The Sulawesi crested macaque, living at Chester Zoo in Cheshire, found the utensil and began waving it around at its fellow primates after it was accidentally left in an enclosure by a workman. 

It picked up the foldable pocket knife and was able to release the sharp edge from its enclosure before waving it around in the vicinity of its fellow primates, who scrapped over it in a bid to claim it for themselves.

Shocked visitors filmed the encounter from behind a panel of safety glass - but say the chimp bashed the implement against a wall in order to release the blade, going as far to suggest that 'it knew exactly what it [the knife] was'.

The incident, reported to have occurred shortly after 5pm on Wednesday August 9, drew comparisons with a scene in 2011 sci-fi flick Rise of the Planet of the Apes.

The Sulawesi crested macaque can be seen wielding the 'multitool' implement after it was left in an enclosure at Chester Zoo

In scenes likened to sci-fi film series Planet of the Apes, the monkey waves the unfolded knife around in the vicinity of its fellow simians

Eyewitness Leanne Jones, 32, watched the events unfold with her daughters aged four and nine.

She told The Sun: 'It was the highlight of the day actually.

'The kids loved it, they ended up running around and telling everyone what was going on.

'We informed the keepers. It [the macaque] managed to get it open but dropped it almost immediately afterwards.

'Eventually they started fighting over it because it was on the floor, so there was a bit of a free for all. Everyone wanted the knife.'

Supermarket worker Leanne says she was told by keepers that a gardener had been cutting down trees and doing maintenance work, and may have left the knife behind by accident.

She added: 'I was concerned about the kids seeing it, because they'll go back to school in September and get asked 'What did you do on your summer holidays?'

'They'll have to say "I went to Chester Zoo and saw a monkey with a knife".'

Her partner Mark Shingler said the scene was like something out of a Planet of the Apes film. 

He said: 'It's something we've not experienced before. He kept hitting the knife on the wall trying to get it open, so it knew exactly what it was and what it wanted to do with it.

'A majority of the staff came up and started taking their own video of what was going on.

'Even if it's a macaque, it still has a knife. It's really only like something in a Hollywood film.'

Bosses at Chester Zoo have launched an investigation into how the knife came to be in the enclosure. Witnesses claim that staff told them a workman had left it behind

2011 film Rise of the Planet of the Apes sees hyper-intelligent monkey Caesar (above, played by Andy Serkis) rise up against humanity by stealing a keeper's knife

In 2011 movie Rise of the Planet of the Apes, hyper-intelligent monkey Caesar - played by motion capture legend Andy Serkis - steals a pocket knife from a keeper before using it to free himself and lead an uprising against humanity.

Staff are reported to have told witnesses that the knife would be recovered once the excitable pack of apes had calmed down.

Chester Zoo has since launched an investigation into how the incident occured, with a spokesperson confirming that a 'multipurpose' tool had been left in the enclosure.


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